Family Therapy
We know it can be challenging to tackle problems that arise within your family system. Families can benefit from therapy when they are experiencing any kind of stressful event that may strain family relationships, such as financial hardships, the death of a loved one, or divorce, to name a few. We specialize in treating mental health concerns that impact the entire family, such as depression or anxiety, chronic pain or illness, substance and food issues, or everyday concerns like communication problems, interpersonal conflict, or behavioral issues in children and teens. Research reveals that family therapy can be a significant, beneficial component in treating these types of conditions and problems.
Family therapy is designed to promote understanding and collaboration among family members in order to address the problems within their system, whether it is amongst one person or the whole family. As the family learns to better collaborate in addressing the problems, caregivers are better able to support their children in developing healthy habits and communication patterns through modeling it themselves.
We make sure our family counseling services are well-equipped to address cultural differences within the family and within the community, they live. Our therapists also have experience working with non-traditional families and the LGBTQIA community.