Premarital Counseling
ATX Therapy Center has couples therapists that are “Twogether in Texas” providers, which qualifies you for a discount on your marriage license when you complete premarital counseling with us. We currently offer the Prepare-Enrich premarital program for this requirement. We also incorporate tools from Dr. John & Julie Gottman's research on what comprises healthy marriages and helps them succeed.
If you're looking to get a discount on your marriage license, the state of Texas requires an 8-hour course in premarital counseling. To honor this requirement, we use the Prepare-Enrich assessment and some "homework" activities for you to complete in-between sessions. Typically, this program consists of 4-6 in-person sessions along with the homework assignments that cover the remaining hours of the program completion. It is a wonderful investment into strengthening your relationship and preparing for the road ahead.
Our standard rate is $150 per 55-minute session, however, we offer a discount for the premarital program. For up to 8 sessions, we charge $120 per 55-minute session - this includes the cost of the assessment fees, individualized program for you both, and exercises tailored to your relationship to help address growth areas as well as strengths. If you have health insurance you'd like to use, we can look into that option as well. Our providers are in-network with most major insurance companies.
Please let us know if you have any questions or if you'd like to set up an appointment. We look forward to talking to you and your partner soon!